in action sdgs week 2020

The week

18 – 26 September

In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly in New York adopted a resolution that could be described as a historic agreement that impacts the lives of millions of people, and maybe even yours.

This was the adoption of the 17 Goals,
known as the “Sustainable Development Goals”

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals express the current global challenges to the creation of a better world without poverty, hunger or inequality – a world with dignified jobs and good education, without the threat of climate change. A world that, through the principles of sustainable development, will provide for the needs of current and future generations.

This year, for the first time in decades, the world has a common goal: to beat the coronavirus crisis. A goal that touches us all, that concerns our health, our living conditions, our freedom – and this is why there is a universal plan that we need for a just and sustainable recovery from the pandemic: the Global Sustainable Development Goals!


In action week

Responding to the UN’s global strategy for promoting the 17 Global Goals, which is implemented every September, we propose the establishment and development of a corresponding “in action SDGs Week”.

In 2020, a crucial year when the world as we knew it was turned upside down, the Global Goals are more relevant than ever, so that humanity can start building a better world. The global campaign is focused on awareness and mobilisation for responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting the importance of sustaining life and prosperity. The United Nations is mobilising us to put the Goals firmly at the heart of all recovery plans.

Responding to the messages, QualityNet invites EVERYONE to participate in implementing IN ACTION WEEK for the Global Goalsthrough the “in action SDGs Week – Creating a better world” awareness development campaign on issues to which we must respond as humanity and as a country.

The time has come to achieve the Goals, for people and the planet!


How can I participate?

Cooperation is the only way
we can overcome the challenges
impacting all of humanity …

spread the message and influence othersspread the message and influence others

stage a new action that supports the Goalsstage a new action that supports the Goals

back solutions that can improve our daily livesback solutions that can improve our daily lives

orchestrate solidarity actionsorchestrate solidarity actions

join the in-action communityjoin the in-action community


Only together can we overcome the challenges and
build a better world!
To achieve the Goals, we need
a coordinated effort and cooperation!

This means that teachers, students, engaged citizens, municipalities and regions,
and responsible organizations become an integral and invaluable part of the
global collective consciousness for the future of the planet and the
right of all people to live in dignity, justice and equality.

Follow the Global Goals.
We create a better world!



With the cooperation of the United Nations Regional Information Centre:

