Coding Hive is the first initiative in Greece designed by INTRASOFT International in collaboration with . It is a 2-month intensive training in cutting-edge technologies to develop the next generation of IT professionals. It is carried out by our very own experienced developers and software engineers, containing both theoretical and practical know-how in modern front-end and back-end technologies. After the Coding Hive’s huge success in Athens, where 29 people were trained and hired, it was Patras’ turn! Patras’ Coding Hive took place in November 2019. In total 28 talented young people out of almost 300 applicants were trained by 9 INTRASOFT International experts. The 80-hour intensive training in various top-notch technologies (e.g. Java, Spring, JavaScript, React) took place at our premises in Patras. The 28 Coding Hivers had the chance to work on real-life projects that they presented at the end of the programme. Most of them have already become part of our growing family.
- Ποιοτική Εκπαίδευση
- Ζωντανή
- 2 months
- November 2019
- πατρα, Ελλάδα