
The week

17 September – 8 October

This September we are joining our voice with millions of organizations and citizens from 193 countries and we activate for the creation of a better world!

After an unusual period full of challenges for people and the planet, with a health crisis that quickly transformed into a humanitarian, socio-economic crisis worldwide, with the signs of the climate crisis and social inequalities constantly increasing, with the impossibility of securing peace and democratic institutions at a global level…

… it’s time to look at the world differently
to take action
#BeThechange for people & the planet!

We, ALL TOGETHER, are contributing to the reduction of the risks of possible future crises and we are assisting more intensively in the efforts to rebuild a sustainable future for people and the planet, (re) building our world, based on the 17 Global Goals! Our common future and the progress on Global Goals will be determined by our global solidarity – how we work together across borders, nationalities, sectors and generations.

This year the ACTION WEEK for the Global Goals focuses on the axes of Health, Green and Just on which the great recovery plan for the post-Covid era is based.

We place special emphasis on the personal action to promote change. We choose a sustainable lifestyle through small daily choices that can make a difference.



Be In Action for the 17 Global Goals - SDGs week 2020
Μηδενική Φτώχεια Μηδενική Πείνα Καλή Υγεία και Ευημερία Ποιοτική Εκπαίδευση Ισότητα των Φύλων Καθαρό νερό και Αποχέτευση Φθηνή και Καθαρή Ενέργεια Αξιοπρεπής Εργασία και Οικονομική Ανάπτυξη Βιομηχανία, Καινοτομία και Υποδομές Λιγότερες Ανισότητες Βιώσιμες Πόλεις και Κοινότητες Υπεύθυνη Κατανάλωση και Παραγωγή Δράση για το Κλίμα Ζωή στο Νερό Ζωή στη Στεριά Ειρήνη, Δικαιοσύνη και ισχυροί θεσμοί Συνεργασία για τους Στόχους


17 Global Goals

It is five years since 2015, when 193 United Nations’ member states made a promise – to leave no one behind – in the effort to create a better world, within the framework of the 17 Goals, the global agenda for tackling climate crisis, reducing social inequalities and eradicating poverty.


How can you participate?

spread the message and inspire others

stage a new activation that supports the Goals

reinforce solutions that can improve our daily lives

orchestrate solidarity actions

join the in-action network


#BeThechange for people & the planet!

Inspire others to join!


With the cooperation of the United Nations Regional Information Centre:
